Welcome to Balshaw's Church of England High School from myself, the staff and students.  Thank you for visiting our website, which we hope will tell you much about our school, its vision and its values.


Founded in 1782 we are proud of our 240 years of aiming at and achieving excellence. Richard Balshaw had a vision of the school as fully inclusive and educating the whole child and we have continued to do this despite changing ideas and trends in Education.


Our Christian values and vision make Balshaw's stand out from non faith schools as we try our best to live out our school motto non sibi sed aliis:  not for self, but for others.  Our high expectations for effort, behaviour and commitment are embodied in our vision statement:  Lighting the path to excellence through Christian values and ethos.


We are an inclusive community that values diversity, providing outstanding education for all pupils, irrespective of social background, race, gender, disability, belief, and sexual orientation as we aim to follow the example set for us by Christ who drew people of all backgrounds together to share God's vision of a society in which we love each other as God loves us.


Balshaw’s has an outstanding staff and extremely supportive parents and governors who work together to ensure the best possible education for each individual student, enabling them to grow in a Christian environment and utilise their talents and skills whilst maturing in an orderly, disciplined environment.


We recognise the uniqueness of each one of us and the part we have to play in continuing to maintain the ethos of Balshaw’s.


"Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path."  Psalm 119, verse 105


S C Haycocks

Please see our Balshaw’s Christian Ethos here

Please see our Balshaw's School Ethos here