Welcome to Balshaw's Church of England High School from myself, the staff and students. Thank you for visiting our website, which we hope will tell you much about our school, its vision and its values.
Founded in 1782, we are proud of our 240 years of history. Richard Balshaw had a vision of the school as fully inclusive and educating the whole child and we have continued to do this despite changing ideas and trends in Education.
The goal of education at Balshaw's is to create responsible young adults of all faiths and world views to go out into the world and reflect Christ's love in their own lives.
We do this because we believe that our God given duty is to increase the sum of good in the world. We are guided in this by our scriptural foundation:
"Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (Psalm 119, vs 105)
We only need to look to the Word of God for our guidance in knowing how we should act. At Balshaw's we distil this down to our 8 Balshavian Values which help us to treat others as we would wish to be treated ourselves:
- Kindness
- Respect
- Humility
- Patience
- Friendship
- Truth
- Forgiveness
- Love
Of all these values, the most important is Christian love which is what we aim for our students to enact in the wider community.
The original school motto non sibi sed aliis (not for self, but for others) also reflects the idea of selfless action and courageous advocacy for others. We are an inclusive community that values diversity, providing outstanding education for all pupils, irrespective of social background, race, gender, disability, belief, and sexual orientation as we aim to follow the example set for us by Christ who drew people of all backgrounds together to share God's vision of a society in which we love each other as God loves us.
Balshaw’s has an outstanding staff and extremely supportive parents and governors who work together to ensure the best possible education for each individual student, enabling them to grow in a Christian environment and utilise their God-given talents and skills whilst maturing in an orderly, disciplined environment.
At Balshaw’s we seek to create a learning environment where your child can flourish. Flourishing can only happen when each and every child is treated with dignity. We believe that you are of unique and inherent worth, each created in the image of God, and for whom Jesus gave his life. Therefore, our aim as you go through Balshaw’s is for you to be loved unconditionally, enabled ambitiously, supported compassionately and championed relentlessly.
The excellent academic outcomes that our students achieve are as a consequence of creating this nurturing environment in which God's word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
S C Haycocks
Please see our Balshaw’s Christian Ethos here
Please see our Balshaw's School Ethos here