Hi! I’m Luke Blakeley, and I’m the School Chaplain here at Balshaw’s as well as being the Youth Pastor at local Church St. Andrew’s.

It’s my job to both cultivate and ensure the Christian distinctiveness of our school, as well as to support and encourage students both in their faith and in their lives.

I am part of a large pastoral team in school, particularly concerning matters of spirituality and faith, and committed to supporting and caring for students and staff in every situation.

Jesus said: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No-one comes to the father except through me.”


Balshaw’s School Prayer

Heavenly Father,

We ask for your blessing on all who teach and work at the school and all those who learn.

Help us to be guided by your Spirit and ever mindful of the part we play in your world.

Help us to be responsible and react kindly towards each other and all we meet.

As we go out into your world, help us to take the standards of our school, remembering past students and all who have been associated with Balshaw’s.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
