Design Technology Staff

For more information about the Subject curriculum, please contact: Miss C Brown the Curriculum Leader.

  • Miss C Brown - Curriculum Leader
  • Mrs S Bromley
  • Mrs H Smith
  • Mr S Coghlan - Technician

The Design and Technology department offers 4 different Technology areas throughout KS3. These are Food Technology, Graphical Products, Textile Technology and Resistant Materials.

At Key Stage 3 Year 7 and 8 have three, 60 minute lessons over a two week timetable on an 10 week rotation. Year 9 have four lessons over a two week timetable again on an 10 week rotation.

At the end of Year 9 all students choose either Food Preparation and Nutrition or Design and Technology to study at GCSE. At GCSE students have five lessons over two weeks.


We provide a high-quality design and technology education that should give students opportunities to create, innovate, design, make and evaluate a variety of high quality products that are fit for purpose. Students will continue to work on the technical skills and craftsmanship to execute practical tasks, thereby developing confidence to increase their skills, knowledge and competence in using materials, machinery, techniques and processes. Students develop their practical skills and use these safely with a range of resistant and non-resistant materials, drawing media tools and equipment, in both 2D and 3D. They are shown how to communicate their ideas and designs skilfully and accurately in 2D and 3D, using a variety of techniques, including digital technology, manufacture in a range of material areas and CAD. They should know about good design, everyday products and use correct technical terminology with Design & Technology literacy. They will be allowed to investigate and analyse the rich history of design and technological innovation and the work of others, including iconic designs, to inform their own work. They will be shown developments in design and technology and the responsibilities of designers, including environmental responsibilities.

We aim to achieve the above by

  • encouraging an awareness of engineering in the modern world
  • introduce problem-solving activities
  • develop confidence with practical problem-solving situations
  • encourage co-operation and a questioning and discriminative attitude
  • develop an appreciation and respect for other people’s needs
  • stimulate aesthetic awareness
  • communicate ideas and information in a variety of forms
  • develop an understanding of commercial and industrial production
  • encourage equal opportunities
  • raise awareness of technology in preparation for a more technological society
  • promote quality in Design and Products
  • be able to evaluate by developing critical thinking and evaluation skills
  • learn how to work safely
  • develop a knowledge of materials, their properties and the ways in which they can be handled and shaped by establishing an understanding of methods of working with materials
  • work materials with a range of tools, equipment and machinery
  • produce design specifications taking into account technical and aesthetic aspects
  • identify resources needed and constraints imposed by skill, knowledge, availability, time and cost
  • gather order and assess information, generate and record ideas
  • select and develop solutions after consideration of the constraints
  • plan production then make an artefact /system, modifying when and if necessary
  • compare and evaluate the performance of an artefact/system against its specification

By creating a safe and stimulating environment we intend to provide opportunities for students to succeed and to take an active and rewarding role in a technologically advanced society.

Design Technology Curriculum Statement

Updated: 30/11/2021 378 KB

Design Technology Curriculum Map/Journey

Updated: 30/11/2021 502 KB
Updated: 30/11/2021 326 KB

How we Assess in Design Technology

Updated: 30/11/2021 648 KB

Key Stage 4 Summary

Updated: 08/07/2022 199 KB