Personal, Social, Health & Economic

For more information about the Subject curriculum, please contact: Miss C Warburton the Curriculum Leader.


Our students are growing up in a rapidly changing world, full of opportunities but with many risks and anxieties and few guarantees. The aim of PSHE education is preparation for life and work in this changing world, helping to keep our students safe, healthy, and boosting their life chances. There is strong evidence that, when delivered by trained teachers in line with best practice, PSHE education supports students to protect themselves and others both online and offline, improves their physical and emotional health, and develops character, resilience, academic attainment, and employment prospects, with the greatest benefits experienced by the most disadvantaged students.

While some risk-taking behaviours, such as substance misuse, appear to be in decline, other – often linked – issues are emerging, particularly in relation to our students’ mental health, relationships, and safety, both offline and, increasingly, online. PSHE education addresses our students’ personal safety and their mental health while preparing them for life and work in a changing world.

We aim to build on the knowledge and understanding gained at Primary school. We cover core knowledge relating to issues such as online and offline safety, relationships, health, finance and careers, taught in a way which is appropriate to the age and maturity of our students. The subject is tied together by the development of the key skills and attributes which our students need to thrive both in their childhood and throughout their adult lives. These key skills and attributes – such as self-management, empathy, critical thinking, communication, resilience, teamwork, and negotiation – are crucial to our students’ life chances


Most of PSHE education became statutory for all schools from September 2020. This includes Relationships Education at key stages 1 and 2, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) at key stages 3 and 4, and Health Education in both primary and secondary phases. The statutory Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education are included within our whole- school PSHE Programme. At Balshaw’s we also include Economic Well-being as we know that the ability to budget, understand the emotional and physical impacts of financial capability and know where to access help and support with finances are vital skills for our students.

The full Statutory Guidance can be found here

“The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019, made under sections 34 and 35 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017, require all schools from September 2020 to deliver Relationships Education (in primary schools) and Relationships and sex education (in secondary Schools). Health Education is compulsory in all schools except independent schools.

PSHE is taught by form tutors. The rationale and intent of our PSHE teaching can be found in our PSHE policy here. An overview of our PSHE curriculum is shown below. 

Please note that this is a working document and may be subject to change depending on local, national or international events and priorities. We also run PSHE and Citizenship activities throughout the year to enhance PSHE education, explore topics from different viewpoints and teach life skills that we feel should be explored more fully. Details of these will be given to parents, carers, and students as they occur throughout the year.

We encourage students to discuss PSHE topics with their parents/carers. If parents/carers have any queries or concerns regarding any PSHE content please do not hesitate to contact your child's form tutor or our PSHE subject lead Miss Warburton


You can see the details of the PSHE mapping document here or below:



Autumn 1

Independence and aspirations

Autumn 2

Autonomy and advocacy

Spring 1

Choices and influences

Spring 2

Independence and aspirations

Summer 1

Autonomy and advocacy

Summer 2

Choices and influences

Year 7

Developing goal setting, organisation skills and self- awareness:

  • Personal identity and values
  • Learning skills and teamwork
  • Respect in school

Developing empathy, compassion and communication:

  • Making and maintaining friendships
  • Identifying and challenging bullying
  • Communicating online

Developing agency, strategies to manage influence and decision making:

  • Regulating emotions
  • Diet and exercise
  • Hygiene and dental health
  • Sleep

Developing self-confidence and self-worth:

  • Puberty and managing change
  • Body satisfaction and self-concept

Developing assertive communication, risk management and support-seeking skills:

  • Rights in the community
  • Relationship boundaries
  • Unwanted contact


Developing agency and decision making skills:

  • Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
  • Safety and first aid

Year 8

Developing risk management skills, analytical skills and strategies to identify bias:

  • Managing online presence
  • Digital and media literacy

Developing respect for beliefs, values and opinions and advocacy skills:

  • Stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination
  • Promoting diversity and equality

Developing agency and strategies to manage influence and access support:

  • Drugs and alcohol
  • Resisting peer influence
  • Online choices and influences

Developing goal setting, motivation and self-awareness:

  • Aspirations for the future
  • Career choices
  • Identity and the world of work

Developing communication and negotiation skills, clarifying values and strategies to manage influence:

  • Healthy relationships
  • Boundaries and consent including FGM and forced marriage
  • LGBT+ inclusivity
  • ‘Sexting’
  • Managing conflict

Developing agency and strategies to manage influence and access support:

  • Maintaining positive mental health
  • Importance of physical activity

Year 9

Developing goal-setting, analytical skills and decision making:

  • GCSE options
  • Sources of careers advice
  • Employability

Developing self-confidence, risk management and strategies to manage influence:

  • Friendship challenges
  • Gangs and violent crime
  • Drugs and alcohol
  • Assertive communication

Developing empathy, compassion and strategies to access support:

  • Mental health (including self- harm and eating disorders)
  • Change, loss and bereavement
  • Healthy coping strategies

Developing analytical skills and strategies to identify bias and manage influence:

  • Financial decisions
  • Saving and borrowing
  • Gambling, financial choices and debt

Developing assertive communication, clarifying values and strategies to manage influence:

  • Healthy/unhealthy relationships
  • Consent
  • Relationships and sex in the media

Developing decision making, risk management and support-seeking skills:

  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Contraception
  • Cancer awareness
  • First aid

Year 10

Developing self-awareness, goal-setting, adaptability and organisation skills:

  • Managing transition to key stage 4 including learning skills
  • Managing mental health concerns

Developing empathy and compassion, strategies to manage influence and assertive communication:

  • Relationship expectations
  • Impact of pornography
  • Identifying and responding to abuse and harassment

Developing agency and decision making, strategies to manage influence and access support:

  • First aid and life-saving
  • Personal safety
  • Online relationships

Developing goal setting, leadership and presentation skills:

  • Skills for employment
  • Applying for employment
  • Online presence and reputation

Developing respect for diversity, risk management and support- seeking skills:

  • Nature of committed relationships
  • Forced marriage
  • Diversity and discrimination
  • Extremism

Developing motivation, organisation, leadership and presentation skills:

  • Applying for leadership and senior roles in school
  • Preparation for college/work


Year 11

Developing resilience and risk management skills:

  • Money management
  • Fraud and cybercrime
  • Preparing for adult life

Developing communication and negotiation skills, risk management and support-seeking skills:

  • Relationship values
  • Maintaining sexual health
  • Sexual health services
  • Managing relationship challenges and endings

Developing confidence, agency and support-seeking skills:

  • Making safe and healthy lifestyle choices
  • Health promotion and self- examination
  • Blood, organ, stem cell donation

Developing empathy and compassion, clarifying values and support-seeking skills:

  • Families and parenting
  • Fertility, adoption, abortion
  • Pregnancy and miscarriage
  • Managing grief and loss

Developing confidence, self-worth, adaptability and decision making skills:

  • Recognising and celebrating 
  •   How to deal with failure
  • Transition and new opportunities
  • Aligning actions with goals