We believe that parental involvement in the School is crucial in the healthy development of your child’s education.

You will find information on this page about:

  • Transport to School
  • GCSEPod Revision Tool
  • Mental Health Services - MH2K
  • Dying for a Dip

Transport to School 

Latest School Transport Policy and Guidance from Lancashire County Council can be found here.

You can access the LCC timetables for the 614 and 412 buses on the LCC website here.

GCSEPod Revision Tool

This is a fabulous resource that your son or daughter can access at home on their mobile, computer or tablet at home. Please encourage them to use this to aid their learning.

Access to GSCEPod can be directly via this link

Students need to create an account to login. They can contact Mr Daniels in School if they need any guidance and support.

Mental Health Services - MH2K

Please see the information about Mental Health Servies MH2K here.

Dying for a Dip

We and the North West Fire Service are asking you to talk to your children about the dangers of open water swimming. Unfortunately, during the last spell of good weather the Fire Service had to deal with teenagers swimming in a local quarry. Luckily, there were no fatalities on this occasion. Drowning is the third most common cause of death amongst teenagers. Many young people do not appreciate the dangers of the rubbish that often lies unseen under the water, untreated water causing diseases and freezing temperatures just underneath the surface. Despite the weather being hot & sunny for many days, or even weeks, this only warms the top few inches of water. Under this the temperature is cold enough to cause the body to enter shock conditions. Unfortunately, any of these dangers often prove fatal. We will be sending out a PSHE presentation on this topic to students and would like you to reinforce this important message please.

Thank you.

Carolyne Warburton PSHE Coordinator