Careers Staff

Mr T Smith - Assistant Head Teacher and Careers Lead
Miss R Kimberley - Pastoral Manager for Mental Health and Wellbeing Practice and Careers Lead (Maternity Leave)

Contact email address:

From February 2025, we have external careers support from Alison Webb.

The document below links to the Lancashire County Council KS4 to KS5 Transition Booklet which provides information about individual school sixth forms, colleges and apprenticeship providers based in Lancashire.  The information is shown by providers to help young people make informed decisions about their next steps, such as on how to apply for a place, where to find information on courses and how to prepare for Year 12.

KS4 to KS5 Transition Booklet

Current Careers Opportunities

Medicine and Dentistry from King's College London - Online lectures on a Tuesday evening in January - (closing date Jan 10) can be accessed here 

Persimmon Homes - Virtual Careers Sessions 

  • Monday 27th January can be accessed here


Balshaw’s C.E. High School is using Unifrog to support its careers provision.

Unifrog brings a comprehensive range of careers information into one user-friendly platform that helps students make the best choices, and submit the strongest applications. It empowers teachers and careers advisors to manage progression effectively and has a partnership with a diverse range of universities and employers to further support students to be successful.

Every student has their own individual log in and profile which they personalise with links relating to their own individual interests. Students can log into their Unifrog profile and resources using any digital device both in school and at home in order to increase their awareness of potential future pathways.

Careers Fair 2024

You can read more about our Careers Fair for 2024 here.

Careers Fair 2023

You can read more about our Careers Fair for 2023 here.

Careers Statement

Careers Mapping

Careers Policy

Please see our Careers Policy (CEIAG including Provider Access Statement and Gatsby Benchmarks) on our School Policies page here.

Gatsby Benchmarks

You can read more details about the Gatsby Benchmarks in the documents below:

Gatsby Benchmark




Careers Support

Please see the following document that outlines our Careers support inline with the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Careers Support Useful Links:


Employer Information

Measurement and Assessment of The Careers Programme

This data is for students who completed key stage 4 from 2021 leavers, that was released in 2023, as our most up to date data

Students staying in education or employment


Lancashire LEA

England state-funded schools

Students staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after KS4>




Total number of students included in destination measures




Students staying in education for at least 2 terms after KS4




Further education college or other further education provider




Sixth form college




Students staying in apprenticeships for at least 6 months after KS4




Students staying in employment for at least 2 terms after KS4



















Provider Access Statement

You can find our Provider Access Statement within the Careers Policy on our School Policies page

Local Colleges

Remember that College Open Events are one of the best ways to get up to date and accurate information on specific courses and entry requirements which can change year on year. The links below are useful for finding this information:
