Music Department Staff
For more information about the Subject curriculum, please contact: Mrs Bache.
- Mrs Bache - Curriculum Leader for Performing Arts
- Miss S McHale - Teacher of Performing Arts
Peripatetic Teachers
- Mrs C Galea - Acoustic Guitar
- Mr M Roscoe - Drums
- Mr C Wooton - Piano, keyboard and brass
Musical Futures Online
Students have access to Musical Futures Online and can ask their Teacher for a username and password to login
Music Department
The Music Department aims to provide students throughout the school with a rich variety of musical experiences, which combine the three principal areas of performing, composing and listening.
In Music, we endeavour to inculcate tacit knowledge: this is experiential, as in identifying the difference between A major and A minor; procedural knowledge: as in playing the scale of A major, and declarative knowledge: as in knowing that A major has three sharps: F, C and G sharp.
In Year 7 students receive Music lessons once weekly. In Year 8 and Year 9 students receive one lesson every two weeks.
Students follow a structured course of half-termly projects. Through explorations of both Western Music and World Music, students will develop skills in aural perception, recognition and appreciation of musical styles and cultures. A variety of practical opportunities is built into the projects to develop performance skills in vocal and instrumental music. Students are encouraged to be creative and imaginative through composing activities. At all times, work is designed to stimulate and develop students’ awareness, knowledge and appreciation of the subject.
Curriculum Time
In Year 7 Music is taught in humanities groups for one lesson per week. Humanities groups remain for Years 8 and 9, however the lessons are bi-weekly.
Music Curriculum Intent KS3
At Balshaw’s we believe in the inclusive nature of a performing arts department and that each student who comes into our department can grow in confidence and ability through the reassurance of a supportive and encouraging environment.
- We encourage students to learn in an active way and all lessons are practical with emphasis on building musical skills and appreciation
- Music lessons are musical
- The music curriculum should inspire creativity and offer opportunity for students to be exposed to different instruments, genres and opportunities to perform and appreciate performances
- At KS3 to give students the building blocks of music to be able to move forward to KS4 music in order to study confidently and enthusiastically
- During Year 7 department staff build on the foundations of the primary music education and continue the celebration of singing; in the first half term a singing transition unit is introduced and culminates in a singing assembly; this is built on throughout KS3
- Composing, performing and improvising is incorporated into the curriculum to build a love for music as well as a foundation of knowledge and skill
- Performing, listening, appreciating and evaluating different styles, genres and historical forms of music
- Explore the elements of music and apply the skills to different instruments. Use technology to enhance and understand production
- Develop the passion and skill for students to opt for KS4 music and beyond
- All students to have an appreciation for music and how it can be used as a creative form of communication
- Students should be able to play and perform using a range of instruments and use their voices confidently and with fluency
- Listen to and evaluate different pieces of music with attention and consideration
- Recognise and use staff notation and other relevant notations to compose and present their own compositions and compositions from others
- Have a life long love of music
Please see the Music Learning Journey for KS3 here or below:
The Performing Arts department is integral in supporting the wider school and the events that we have each term on the school calendar. Our extra-curricular timetable supports the events and all activities are very well attended. The department is busy and vibrant with student using the facilities during breaktimes and afterschool, supported by the department staff, to explore their own creative endeavours.
We currently support and offer:
- Our third consecutive whole school musical
- Open Evening performances
- Remembrance Services
- Memorial Garden Service
- Carol Service for the whole school
- Carol Concert
- Resurrection Rock - Easter service
- Private weekly peripatetic lessons
- Drama club
- Students regularly rehearse and perform in their own bands
Theatre trips that have included: to the Bolton Octagon to watch Little Shop of Horrors and to the Lowry to watch Jesus Christ Superstar. As well as visits from Runshaw college, industry professionals in musical theatre and music technology.
Music Ambassadors:
Aims of the Curriculum
- Successful learners, who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve their best in music
- Confident individuals, who are able to perform, listen and compose safely and find healthy fulfilment from discussing creative ideas
- Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to an increasing creative society
Please note the that following documents are under review due to the recent staffing changes in Performing Arts.
Please see the documents below for the Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 curriculum plans: