Year 11 Revision Programme - Autumn Term 2024

We have the following revision programme for our Year 11 students:

How do I prepare to revise effectively? 

  • For each subject make sure you have a list of what you need to know and have all the resources you will need to hand.  Speak to your subject teachers
  • Get into the habit of revising regularly, not just the few weeks leading up to the exams.  Break subjects into manageable chunks and plan study time for each one – a revision planner will help!  Ask your tutor, Mrs Thomasson or Miss Kimberley if you need help with this
  • Find a quiet place to revise, where background noise and disruptions are kept to a minimum
  • Make sure you get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water.  For maximum performance your body needs to be rested and well fuelled.  This will help to keep your energy levels high, which will help you to remain focused throughout your studies
  • Switch your mobile phone off!  Keep distractions to a minimum by turning your mobile off or put it in a different room
  • Plan for relaxation time. You need to plan time when you can walk away from your studies for a short time, this will help you stay fresh and will stop you from burning out
  • Stay motivated!  Remind yourself of your immediate and long-term goals. Set yourself short term goals that you can achieve, this will help you develop a ‘can do’ attitude. Treat yourself every time you reach a target

How do I revise? 


There are six strategies for effective learning that you have looked at in the study skills lessons.   

  • Spaced practice 
  • Retrieval practice 
  • Elaboration 
  • Interleaving 
  • Concrete examples 
  • Dual coding 

The documents below, written by the Learning Scientists, summarise each of the strategies. 

Revision Strategies Documents

Study Skills

Useful Revision Websites