We would like to invite you and your student to attend Balshaw’s Church of England High School’s annual Careers Fair on Thursday 21 st November 4.30pm – 7.30pm, in the School Hall and Dance Studio at Balshaw’s.
The Careers Fair will provide an invaluable opportunity for you and your student to meet with representatives from industry, further education and higher education, and to investigate a diverse range of post-16 pathways to help inform their future choices. Last year’s Careers Fair was very well attended and successful, and we hope to build on this through the range of exciting opportunities available to explore. Students can receive specific and personally relevant information about a wide range of careers opportunities, including the entry routes and training requirements for each area. All students from Years 9, 10 and 11 are welcome to attend the event with their parents/carers.
The Careers Fair will be a ticketed event in order to distribute attendees' arrival times to ensure our young people have the time and opportunity to speak with as many different representatives from industry as possible. There is no charge for a ticket. When you book your ticket, you will have the option of a range of arrival times which are available on a first come, first served basis. However, once you have signed in on the evening, the stalls are open for you and your student to speak to those companies / organisations that are of interest to you, and you are free to stay for as long as you would like. Each ticket covers attendance for one young person and up to two accompanying adults. However if you are bringing siblings also attending the school (Y9-11), please register them separately in the same time bracket.
We hope that this year’s Fair will provide a wide range of delegates present to discuss their sector. Currently we have representatives confirmed as attending from sectors such as local further and higher education colleges, the NHS, BAE, Leyland Trucks, the emergency services, the armed services, financial services and engineering. Mrs Khan, our independent Careers Adviser, will also be available to discuss careers, local market information and post 16 options (although each student gets an individual interview in school time).
To reserve a place for you and your student to attend please select the following link in order to access our ticketing page https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/balshaws-ce-high-school/t-dvrljyr
Mr T. Smith Assistant Headteacher i/c CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance)