During the fortnight of the 7th to 18th November 2022, current Year 9 students took part in the UK Bebras Computing Challenge (BCC). The competition introduces computer science to students and is designed to get them excited about computing. The BCC is a problem-solving competition with a focus on computational and logical thinking. A record number of over 360,000 students took part in the competition in UK this year!

Computational thinking involves using a set of problem-solving skills and techniques that software engineers use to write programs and apps. Examples of these techniques would include the ability to break down complex tasks into simpler components, algorithm design, pattern recognition, pattern generalisation and abstraction.

Questions are inspired by topics in computer science but only require some basic reasoning ability. Students had to answer up to 15 questions in a 40-minute time period. The questions have varying degrees of difficulty and the points awarded reflect this.

Balshaw’s students have taken part in this competition each year for the past ten years! This year, 166 students in Year 9 took part! The ‘Best In School’ winner was Naomi M with 162 points and in joint second place were Finley B and Alfie J, both with 145 points. These students received a certificate and a prize from the Business & Computing Department.

The top 25% of students received a ‘Certificate of Distinction’, those in the top 50% received a ‘Certificate of Merit’ and everyone else who entered the competition received a ‘Certificate of Participation’.

The top 11 students from Balshaw’s were in the top 10% nationally and also received a Gold Award Certificate! These students have been invited to take part in the next round, The Oxford University Computing Challenge, in January 2023.