Josh R, in Year 10, and Sam W, in Year 8, played in the English Schools Golf Association competition on Monday 25th April at Dunscar, along with 55 other young people. Both boys achieved a nett score of 75 which is four over their golfing handicap. Sam came a respectable 28th and Josh 29th. It was a very tough hilly course with really harsh winds!


This was the first full competition to take place for a while due to Covid. Josh and Sam received their trophies from the Lancashire Schools’ Boys’ Golf Competition, at White Tees, Pleasington, that took place last year. Sam’s trophy was for first place and Josh’s was for second place. Congratulations and what a great day for you both!


Josh has been playing golf for 5 years and Sam for 9 years and they both play at Leyland Golf Club. Weather permitting, both boys play regularly throughout the week and their dedication has obviously paid off! Josh is currently Junior Captain for 2022 and leads the junior team in 2 leagues. He also helps out on Sundays with juniors’ lessons that used to attend.  


On Tuesday 10th May, Josh and Sam went to Ashton and Lea Golf Club for the Lancashire Schools Golf Under 16 Championships. Out of 62 boys, josh came 10th (1 over handicap) and Sam 14th (3 over handicap)  Conditions on the day were tough, with winds of up to 25mph.

A massive well done to you both.