18 October 2024

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We hosted a Panathlon Multi Sports Challenge on Wednesday 9th October.

This was an event for both primary and secondary schools.

Our Sports Leaders were fantastic with so many compliments from visiting staff and the organiser herself who said how lucky we were to have them. A standout pair were Daisy B and Chanel H, so many staff commented about how engaging they were with the children. Another star was Alfie H who volunteered to lead an activity all on his own and did a brilliant job.

Our two teams of competitors were also a joy to watch, a little overwhelmed and unsure of themselves at the start then whooping and cheering for their teammates 15 minutes later.

They all want to do it again on the Wednesday 30th October!

Also, a big thank you to all the Teaching Assistants who supported the teams.

Here are a few photos below for you to enjoy:

Tags: Sports News