Latest News
Here are our news articles. We hope that you enjoy reading them.
We are always happy to publish articles about our current and former students.
Please contact Mrs Coles ( if you would be interested in having an article on our website.
Thank you.
Summer Music Festival & Family Fun Day #Balfest23 - Saturday 15th July
We we thrilled to host our Summer Music Festival & Family Fun Day #Balfest23 on Saturday 15th July.
Samba or Capoeira Workshop
On Tuesday 18th July, we welcomed representatives from the world of dance and drums to Balshaw's.
Matilda JR.
The Performing Arts department along with 50 students and a team of amazing staff staged Matilda JR in July 2023.
Nadia is a World Champion Gymnast
We are all incredibly proud of Nadia, in Year 7, who is the most amazing gymnast!
Year 8 Rounders - South Ribble Tournament
A huge well done to the Year 8 rounders team who persevered through an extremely wet evening, winning 4 out of 5 of their matches and coming 3rd overall in the South Ribble tournament.
Balshaw's Association PTA Family Fun and Race Night Thanks
We wanted to thank everyone who came along to our Family Event and Race Night on Friday 16th June.
Matilda JR at Leyland Festival!
Some of the our amazing cast of Matilda JR were utterly 'Revolting' when they took part in the Leyland Festival parade on Saturday 17th June.
Lancashire Schools Track & Field Championships
On Saturday 10th June, Ethan C represented the South Ribble district at the 2023 Lancashire Schools Track & Field Championships at Stanley Park Arena, Blackpool.
Ollie's Cricketing Success
We are extremely proud of OIlie S, in Year 7, who plays for the Cheshire County Cricket Team.