Latest News
Here are our news articles. We hope that you enjoy reading them.
We are always happy to publish articles about our current and former students.
Please contact Mrs Coles ( if you would be interested in having an article on our website.
Thank you.
Reading for Pleasure
At Balshaw’s we want all our students to read for pleasure for at least ten minutes a day, every day.
Clinometers and Trigonometry in Action!
Our Year 8 students have been learning about uses of trigonometry.
Year 9 Boys Win Again!
After their success in the second round of the English Schools cup last week, our Year 9 boys faced Bishop Rawstorne in the first round of the Lancashire County Cup, this week.
Year 9 Football Team - English Schools Cup 2nd Round Win!
On Wednesday 6th October, our Year 9 boys' football team travelled over to Manchester Grammar School to play them in the second round of the English Schools Cup.
Liv Cooke Visits Balshaw's!
On Thursday 30th September, we were delighted to welcome former Balshavian Liv Cooke back to Balshaw’s.
Congratulations to the Class of 2021
Congratulations to the Class of 2021. Their hard work and dedication has led to Balshaw's achieving the best results we've ever seen.
Parent Perspective Podcast
We wanted to share with our Balshaw's families, details about Parent Perspective podcasts, that are available from Amazing Apprenticeships.