Latest News
Here are our news articles. We hope that you enjoy reading them.
We are always happy to publish articles about our current and former students.
Please contact Mrs Coles ( if you would be interested in having an article on our website.
Thank you.
Success in Queen’s College Translation Competition
We are delighted to have had a number of winning entries in the Anthea Bell Translation Competition, which was run by the Translation Exchange at Queen’s College, Oxford.
School Diversity Week - 21st to 25th June 2021
Each year thousands of schools take part in School Diversity Week. A national charity 'Just like Us' created the week to celebrate LGBTQ+ families in schools. We love taking part in this week as it is a fantastic way to ensure that our school is a safe, happy and welcoming place for everyone, no matter who they are. At Balshaw's, we like to celebrate all types of diversity, so that is exactly what we did!
Year 7 Drama Fun!
Year 7 Drama students are having so much fun exploring Shrek the musical.
Year 7 Coding Club!
Here are some of our Year 7's enjoying working with Microbits at Coding Club.
Balshaw’s Success at Golf Championship
On Monday 19th April, the Lancashire Schools Golf Championships were held at Pleasington Golf Club. Over 50 golfers took part.
Year 7 Spectacular Solar System Work
As NASA's rover has been exploring Mars our Year 7 students have been very busy exploring all the planets in our Solar system.
Children's Mental Health Week 2021
As a school, we took part in Children’s Mental Health Week from 1st to 5th February.
La Chandeleur Posters
Years 7, 8 and 9 French students have been learning about the French tradition of La Chandeleur which is celebrated in February on the feast of Candlemas.
Jon Burgerman Creations
Students, in Year 8, were tasked in their Design and Technology lessons, to research the work of artist Jon Burgerman.